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15 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Jawabannya

 15 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Jawabannya  - Dibawah ini Soal Soal untuk bisa anda pelajari tentang Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban lengkap nya bisa di bawah ini selengkap nya.

1. Deandri: Mita...I heard that your Choir team won

Mita: Deandri...you are right. That's really our blessing

Deandri: Congratulations! You and your team have practiced so well. I knew it.

Mita: Thanks, Deandri. That's because school and parent's support

Deandri: _____ that your team will win again at the national level in Surabaya.

The correct expression to complete the dialogue above is....

A. We are very happy.

B. I believe

C. It's great

D. I hope

Answer: D

Read the dialog to answer questions

Denisa: Karla, good afternoon

Hana: Hi Del,

Denisa: How is the competition today?

Hana: Thank God, I made it.

Denisa: Oh my Goodness, Congratulations!

Hana: Thank you, you are one of my friends who always supports me.

Denisa: Two thumbs up for you, winning a gold medal at the national Pencak Silat competition is cool.

Hana: Thank you. Let's meet this weekend for lunch, my treat.

Denisa: With pleasure. May I go with Anggi?

Hana: Yes, sure.

Denisa: alright. I hope __________.

Hana: Amen. See you soon.

Denisa: See you!

2. Why would Hana invite her friends at the weekend?

A. Hana congratulates Karla for her achievement

B. She wants to celebrate her success with her friends

C. She would take part at Pencak Silat International Tournament

D. She is the second winner of The Pencak Silat International Tournament

Answer: B

3. Hana has to improve her skill after the competition to ... her title.

A. get

B. defend

C. protect

D. guarantee

Answer: B

4. What is Denisa doing?

A. Taking part in Pencak Silat International Tournament

B. Going with Anggi to the meeting point

C. Asking the result of Hana's competition

D. Apologizing for being absent in Hana's game

Answer: C

5."... two thumbs up for you!" The expression means that Denisa...

A. wishes her friend to get success

B. hopes Hana will be the winner at the tournament.

C. approves her friend's achievement

D. pleased with her achievement

Answer: C

6. Rubi: What do you think if we invite Ana?

Rifky: I couldn't agree with you more, because She is our best friend.

The underlined sentence expresses ...

A. Disagreement

B. Agreement

C. Certainty

D. Ability

Answer: C

7. Wita: Ani is a diligent student, I'm sure she will pass the examinations with flying colors.

Cely: I think so.

From the above dialogue, we know that ....

A. Ani agrees with Cely's opinion

B. Wita agrees with Ani's opinion

C. Cely agrees with Wita's opinion

D. Wita disagrees with Cely's opinion

Answer: C

Boni, Endi, and Dino are sitting in the library during the break. The furniture is dusty. The books and

newspapers on the big table are messy.

Endi: "Don't you think that our library looks dirty and messy? Let's do something to make it


Boni: "Why not? What if you dust the furniture, I tidy up the table, and Dino sweep the floor?"

Dino: "I agree with you. But let's ask Mrs. Siti Maryam, our librarian, to get permission first.

8. Boni, Endi, and Dino are talking about ...

A. The furniture in the library.

B. The books and newspapers in the library.

C. The activities that they will do to make their library look tidy.

D. The activities in the library which can make the room dirty and messy.

Answer: C

9. From the text above we know that ...

A. Dino agrees with Boni's opinion.

B. Boni doesn't agree to clean the furniture.

C. Endi never thinks that the library is dirty and messy.

D. They want to tidy up the library without permission.

Answer: A

10. Parmin: Have you decided what to order?

Suti: No, I haven't made up my mind. Anything to suggest?

Parmin: Why don't we have Aqua?

Suti: I can't agree with you more

At the end of the dialogue above, we know that Suti...

A. Refuse Parmin opinion

B. Agree with Parmin's opinion

C. Disagree with Parmin's suggestion

D. Doesn't want to follow Parmin's idea

Answer: B

Pineapple Stew


1 pineapple cut into dices

3 glasses of water

1 glass of granulated sugar


1. Boil water until boiled.

2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.

3. Bring it to a boil and add the pineapples.

4. Wait until you can smell the pineapple.

5. Remove from heat and serve cold.

11. The recipe tells you how to make ....

A. dice

B. Ingredients

C. pineapple stew

D. granulated sugar

Answer: C

12. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew?

A. Dice, glass, sugar

B. Glass, water, sugar

C. Pineapples, dice, water

D. Pineapples, water, sugar

Answer: D

13. How much sugar do we need?

A. 1 cup

B. 1 glass

C. 3 spoons

D. 3 glasses

Answer: B

14. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple?

A. When the water is boiled

B. When we smell the pineapple

C. After we remove the stew from heat

D. After sugar, cinnamon, and clovers are added

Answer: B

15. How should you serve the pineapple stew?

A. It is served hot

B. It is served raw

C. It is served cold

D. It is served uncooked

Answer: C


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